Tunnel intended for use in terror attack discovered in northern Gaza

Tunnel intended for use in terror attack discovered in northern Gaza

    3.5 deep tunnel uncovered by IDF in northern Gaza

    (Communciated by the IDF Spokesman)

    3.5 deep tunnel uncovered by IDF in northern Gaza
    IDF soldier descends to inspect tunnel, dug inside a tiled room in a home in northern Gaza (IDF Spokesman

    A tunnel shaft, approximately 3.5 meters deep, located in a house about 700 meters from the security fence, was discovered this morning in a joint IDF and ISA operation against the terrorist infrastructure in the northern Gaza strip. The tunnel was apparently dug in order to carry out a terror attack within Israel. The operation followed several sniper shooting attacks against Israeli civilians and farmers over the past few days.

    During the operation, armed Palestinian gunmen opened fire at the soldiers. The forces fired back and identified hitting three gunmen. Later, a number of weapons were discovered on the gunmen, including AK-47 rifles and RPG rockets. In another incident, the force fired towards armed gunmen who approached them.

    During the operation, 30 mortar shells were fired at the soldiers.